Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Le carnaval des animaux


Last week, I introduced your little French learners to the musical suite "le carnaval des animaux."  With a degree in music, I believe language learning offers a unique and exciting opportunity to integrate music and makes French lessons that much more fun!

The Carnival of the Animals (Le carnaval des animaux) is a humorous musical suite of fourteen movements by the French Romantic composer Camille Saint-SaĆ«ns. The work was written for private performance by an ad hoc ensemble of two pianos and other instruments, and lasts around 25 minutes.

Below is a link to the music we used in class. Each movement represents a specific animal: 

Le carnaval des animaux

0:48 Introduction et Marche Royale du Lion 3:01 Poules et Coqs 3:53 Hemiones 4:41 Tortues 6:36 L'Elephant 8:05 Kangourous 8:58 Aquarium 11:25 Personnages a longues oreilles 12:15 Le Coucou au fonds des bois 14:35 Pianistes 16:10 Fossiles 17:38 Le Cygne 20:49 Final

Below are pictures of the animals and instruments:

Les images des animaux
Les images des instruments

The kids had a great time listening to the music and acting out the animals. Play the music at home and ask your little learners which animals they hear!

Happy listening!!

Mlle. Juliana