Tuesday, October 30, 2018

C'est l'halloween!

BOO! :)

We have been practicing French Halloween songs and vocabulary words in French class this week and last. Here are some vocabulary words to practice at home as well as four links to catchy French Halloween songs! Can't wait to see all the costumes tomorrow!

Une citrouille (pumpkin)
Des bonbons (candy)
Un vampire (vampire)
Un squelette (skeleton) 
Une chauve-souris (bat)
Un chat noir (black cat)
Un monstre (monster)
Un hibou (owl)

Les chansons: (click on the titles below to access the videos.)

Have fun!
Mlle. Juliana

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


I hope you all enjoying this beautiful fall weather!

This is a sentence we have been learning since the second week of school. You can practice this at home with your little French learner too :) 

Comment ça va? (How are you?) 

Ça va bien.  (I'm good)
Ça val mal. (I'm not good)
Ça va comme ci, comme ça.  (I'm okay)

Image result for ca va bien

Related imageImage result for ca va comme ci comme ca

Happy singing!

Mlle. Juliana

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Dear parents,

Thank you for stopping by "La Cachette."  I'm so excited to share this blog with you!  My vision with this blog is to simplify and improve communication with families and to create a seamless blend of Toddler, Nursery and Kindergarten French language learning tools. I plan to post updates once a week so please keep checking back!  I look forward to sitting down each week and reflecting on successful moments and accomplishments with your children.

During our French classes, I encourage the following principles:

  • Attentive listening (on écoute)
  • Active participation (on participe)
  • Mutual respect (youself, others, materials) (on est respecteux)
  • Appreciation and positivity (on dit des choses gentilles

As we begin learning French, children will have 5 words to review each week. These will be high frequency words or phrases which children are learning to use at school. Words will be posted on the blog and I encourage you to ask your child what each word means and practice using it with them at home.

This week:

Au Revoir

This month, we have focused on learning our greeting song "Bonjour les amis" and our goodbye song "Au revoir les amis." We have also started learning our colours in French - specifically primary and secondary colours. We studied a very sweet book titled "Petit Bleu et Petit Jaune." I have attached the links to the videos under "Language Resources."  The stop motion animation video does not have narration so please ask your child to narrate the video for you -- they know it so well and will be proud to share their French words with you!

Happy French learning!

Mlle. Juliana